Where is ConFest?

Woorooma ConFest site East of Moulamein.

GPS Coordinates: -35.134615,144.156289

ConFest is an outdoor camping gathering and the site has circa 4km of river frontage and nearly 1000 acres of space.

View the location, map and directions page for more information.


Get Involved!

ConFest is run entirely by volunteers.

Your ticket price includes two hours of volunteering. This can take any form. ConFest is your gathering and your community. If you would like to help with ConFest, please contact the volunteer crew.


On Arrival

Please remember that the front gates will be locked at sunset and that cars are not permitted to move around site after that time, if you arrive after sunset please be prepared to camp by/in your car at the gate or walk into site with your gear for the night.

This year out of respect for our permit we need to be stricter with who is onsite before the permitted period of the Festival.

Arrivng early and pleading your case at the gate will not work in 2017. Only the Setup crew is allowed onsite prior to gatherings opening