The Flora and Fauna

River bank at ConFest festival AustraliaThe site is dominanted by the majestic River Red Gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) with Grey Box (E. microcarpa) and Black Box (E. largiflorens) interspersed with Yellow Box (E. melliodora) on the plains and higher areas.  


Other large trees which are found as small remnant patches on site include Rosewood (Heterodendrum oleifolium), Buloke (Allocasuarina littoralis), Hooked Needlewood (Hakea tephrosperma), Willow Wattle (Acacia salicina) and Gold Dust Wattle (A. acinacea).  

Due to the past uses of the land, much of the variety of indigenous plant life has been reduced, and there are (ob)noxious weeds in many areas. Some of the key weed speccies include Three cornered jacks (you will know if you step on one), Pattersons Curse, Thistles (quite a varied collection), box thorn and the ever abundant Horehound.  If you are on site and positively identify a weed, please pull it up and leave the roots in the sun to dry and die. Please be sure of your identifications, every remaining indigenous plant is precious if the land is to recover.

Please try and be aware of any indigenous plants that are growing where you plan to camp or park your car, likewise be aware of animal habitats (hollow logs etc) when you are collecting firewood.  The forest is a good mix of mature and young trees which provides valuable habitat for native wildlife and the site is a haven for native animals.  Eastern grey kangaroos, wallabies, goannas, possums, bats, marsupial mice, snakes, echidnas, skinks, geckos and many insects and birds call our site home.  Please be respectful of their space.

Native Goanna lizard at the ConFest locationAs with the plant life, there are also introduced animal species on the property; foxes, cats, rabbits and European wasps have all been sighted and all cause displacement or death to native species.  Control programs to address feral animal numbers as well as feral plant species are being developed by interested volunteers.

All sitings, photos, and records of native and introduces species are being collated and collected by the Land Care Team.  Please send through images, notes, records and relevent bits and pieces to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


 Reduce Your Impact and Leave no Trace

Australian river trees at the site

ConFest can be a valuable opportunity to put our good intentions, learning and ideas into practice when it comes to caring for the environment.

Out in the bush we are confronted with the 'products' of our consumerist mainstream world; the volume of rubbish we create, the toxins we use every day, the fossil fuels we use for transport, light, cooking. We cannot help but see the broken glass on animal pathways.... the dangerous/toxic plastics and soaps in the water..... all the other "footprints" of modern humanity.

One of he founding principles of ConFest is; to explore ways to shape new alternatives towards a better future. This is as important in the way we relate to to the environment and the creatures in it, as it is in the way we relate to one another. We are creating the traditions, the customs and lifestyles of the future by everything we do.

Please do everything possible to 'walk lightly' on the earth while you are at ConFest. As humans we are "the caretakers of the earth" in a way. At ConFest we share a responsibility to each other, to the future of the site as a gathering space for our community, and to the environment itself and the creatures that inhabit it.

Only the infrastructure and permitted equipment of the various areas and villages remain onsite. Every attendee has the responsibility to avoid littering and take their rubbish with them. This helps keep the environment clean and safe for all of the creatures that live and visit there (including us).

Some ideas;
carpooling, organic based soaps and non-oil sunscreens, avoid bringing glass, choose your campsite carefully, adhere to fire regulations, follow site car access policies, avoid disturbing river shallows where possible (enter water via log or platforms), take all rubbish home, avoid bringing balloons, use low-tox fire twirling fuels, use renewable energy sources for lighting, bring ashtrays with lids.



river sunsetIt is the responsibility of every attendee to take their rubbish with them when they leave the event site. Please avoid littering and do your part where possible.

  • Avoid dropping cigarette butts on the ground. Use a portable ash tray with a lid to store your butts.
  • Visit the Info Tent to volunteer and collect rubbish around the event. The Info Tent can supply you with bags for rubbish collection (an easy way to contribute to the event).
  • Point out to others if they have dropped rubbish and that an aspect of the festival is to leave no trace where possible.
  • If there's rubbish that seems to have been left behind, please help out by taking it with you when you leave.


If you would like to get involved further with the Land Care Crew, follow our posts on facebook (confest land management), get in touch with us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., attend our winter working bee to help put back what once was there, attend workshops at the festival or organise your own way to contribute to the team.