Lorenzo Pope

Our mission is to provide a family friendly environment that embraces diversity and personal choice, which is safe and appropriate for children of all ages.

Family Village Mission
Our mission is to provide a family friendly environment that embraces diversity and personal choice, which is safe and appropriate for children of all ages.

Diversity & Personal Choice
The family Village is not exclusively for families, anyone and everyone is welcome in the Family Village but our main focus is catering for the needs of Families.
Behaviour in the Family Village
Our guiding principle around behaviour in the Family Village is common sense and we ask that people camping in and around the Family Village simply behave in ways that are appropriate for creating a fun, happy, child friendly environment. People behaving in ways outside these guidelines will be asked to move to a more suitable area on the Contest site.

Safe and Appropriate
In the Family Village we have an occupational health and safety focus around the camp, ie we want to identify and mitigate risks. We also have a focus on hygiene in and around the Awesome Kitchen, which is the community cooking facility in the Family village.
The family Village will have a dedicated community radio in the Awesome Kitchen that can be used to contact First Aid or security in case of emergency.

Specific Objectives
Our primary focus is to cater for the needs of families by:
Making feeding kids easier
Making cleaning kids easier
Keeping kids engaged in fun age appropriate activities.
Create structures that encourage socialisation opportunities for kids and parents Keeping things in and around the camp safe.